6 Proven Time-Saving Tips for Working Moms

Being a mom isn’t exactly easy. Throw working into the mix, and you can quickly feel overwhelmed and strapped for time. Luckily, there are a few great ways you can save time – even when you’re stuck in the office from 9 to 5.

If you’re a busy working mom looking for answers, this article is here to help. Below you will find a handy guide of the six best time-saving tips for working moms, all of which are guaranteed to free up time and take some stress off your shoulders. 

How to Save Time as a Working Mom

1. Use Delivery Apps

6 Time-Saving Tips for Working Moms - Use Delivery Apps.

The number one tip is to use delivery apps, especially grocery ones like Instacart. The obvious benefit to these apps is you don’t have to take the time out of your day to go shopping, which can easily take up to an hour (or more if you had to bring the kiddos along).

Another benefit to grocery delivery apps is making an ongoing list of things you need. That’s right – it’s time to ditch the grocery list hanging on your fridge. Whenever you need something, add it to your cart so it won’t be forgotten. 

In addition, you could jump back to your prior orders and re-order the same weekly items like eggs, bread, etc., to save time.

You can also use delivery apps for other things. For example, order from your favorite restaurant on days you’re too tired to cook. Order your child’s sports equipment or necessities for the home online, so you don’t have to go hunting for it.

Using delivery apps to save time on a weekly basis is a game-changer.

2. Set a Schedule

If you want to save time as a mom, set a daily schedule and stick to it.

Being a mom and a part of the workforce can be daunting. With so many tasks on your plate, you can easily become overwhelmed and lose track of time. How can you combat this? By making a schedule and sticking to it (as much as possible).

A schedule will clarify what needs to happen, and more importantly, when. When making your schedule, don’t forget to leave some time for yourself. After all, “happy mom, happy home.”

A basic schedule can look something like this:

  • 7 AM – Wake up, Get ready, Have breakfast
  • 8 AM – Kids to school, Mom to work
  • 5 PM – Pick kids up, work on homework
  • 6-7 PM – Free time
  • 7 PM – Dinner
  • 8 PM – Bedtime
  • 9 PM – Mom takes a nice, relaxing bath or does something else she enjoys

Here’s a handy tip: consider waking up a little earlier, especially before the kids, so you can get a few things done before the day begins. 

3. Create a To-Do List

Busy, working moms have a lot going on between work, kids, and their homes. Little things like baseball practices, ballet recitals, and due dates can often (and accidentally) be overlooked. How can you ensure you do not forget important dates? Two words, one idea: the to-do list.

A to-do list will be super handy to keep you organized and on top of things rather than scrambling at the last minute. In the long run, this helps you save time as there won’t be any last-minute or sudden pop-ups that weren’t accounted for.

Even with a to-do list, you need to be smart about organizing your tasks. Getting things done efficiently is key; these four quick tips can help you organize your to-do list:

  1. Make the first items on your lists urgent or important first. Items that are both urgent and important should be first priority on any to-do list. These are things that must be completed in order to move forward or tasks that have a high value. If some of the first items on your list require several steps, break them down into more manageable pieces so they don’t seem complicated or intimidating.
  2. Set priorities based off duration versus importance/urgency. Some tasks may take more time than others but are not necessarily more important. For example, you might need to wash your car but it isn’t a priority compared to personal hygiene or house cleaning.
  3. Prioritize tasks that do not drain mental energy first. This can be anything from household chores to filing paperwork to responding to emails at work—anything that feels like a hassle instead of fun or pleasurable should be first on your list of things to do. Once you’ve accomplished these tasks, you’ll have the mental energy to do things that require more attention and focus.
  4. Try to group some tasks together as they require the same materials or tools. This is where a to-do list can headreally make you feel like you’ve accomplished more—when several small (or not-so-small) things are done at once your.

4. Put Down the Phone

Technology is a blessing, but sometimes, it’s a curse. Everyone can agree that they’ve found themselves lost on social media or online shopping, only to realize they’ve been staring at their phone for the past hour without noticing.

It’s perfectly fine to spend time on your phone. Catching up with social media, checking out your Pinterest boards, and watching your favorite shows is fine and probably a great way to relax for working moms. 

It becomes a problem when you spend way too much time on electronics. Think about it – that time you spent going down the rabbit hole of celebrity gossip could’ve been time spent playing with your kids, doing that laundry you’ve been avoiding for the second week, or journaling. 

You could also put your phone on focus mode to make sure that you don’t get distracted. Let’s be honest – any time you check your phone, you end up spending more time with it.

5. Create a Time-Saving Meal Plan

Make a meal plan to save time as a busy mom

Meal plans will always be a great way to reduce stress and save time. You don’t have to worry about what you’re making three times a day with a meal plan. Refer to the list and you’re good to go.

But don’t stop there! Let your meal plan work for you. How? Well, cook one time, and use it for two meals. This can be approached in two ways:

  • Make enough food for leftovers
  • Turn one meal into two separate meals

How do you turn a single meal into two? Here’s one option: cook eight chicken breasts in a crockpot, then shred and separate into two containers or bags. Use one bag of shredded chicken for tacos and another for barbecue sandwiches. All you need to do is add the seasonings and sides, which is easy when you don’t have to worry about cooking the meat.

Speaking of meal planning, don’t hesitate to make a week’s worth of breakfasts over the weekend and freeze them. Things like egg muffins, pancakes, waffles, and breakfast burritos can all be heated up in minutes for busy, on-the-go mornings. Here is a list of 10 easy ways to cook for busy moms.

5. Don’t Overdo It

Every mom wants the best for their child(ren). But if you’re overworking and overbooking, you won’t be able to give them the very best. That said, try to keep things as simple as possible. Let each child pick an activity they really want to do, rather than four different options.

The same is true for you too, mom. Don’t try to attend every single school meeting or volunteer opportunity. Don’t think you have to hang out with your friends every time they ask you to go out for girl’s night. Do what you can and relax when you need to.

Mommy burnout is real so avoid it at all costs by taking it easy and making time for yourself to relax, watch a movie, or read a book.

6. Ask For Help

No one should ever feel bad or embarrassed about asking for help. As they say, raising kids takes a village – and it’s true. Ask parents, friends, and other family members to help when you need it. Have your children set up with specific chores so all the work isn’t piled on you.

Final Words

Working moms, we salute you! It’s certainly not easy. But with these handy tips, you should be able to free up time, feel more organized, and overall calmer. Oh, and here’s one final tip: relax. You got this, mama!

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